Thursday, December 20, 2012

We're Missing Molly!

When going away for college, most freshman have a few worries on their mind. Whether it be living on their own for the first time, missing mom's home cooking, or being away from life-long friends, fears are to be expected. When it was time for me to leave, however, my biggest fear was losing my dogs. On the morning I was set to depart to TCU, I broke down in tears and decided I wasn't going, as I refused to leave my pups at home without me. I went, and am happy to report that during my first visit back home I was met with wagging tails, then headed off to complete the year. I finished the semester (with all A's y'all!) and headed back home for the happiest season, only to be met with my biggest fear coming true...

Heres a quick timeline:
Monday, December 10th, evening: Molly ran away from homing, likely chasing anything and everything with feathers or that she could hump, as she was in heat.
Tuesday or Wednesday: Animal Control picked up Molly, and took her to the NB Humane Society
Wednesday, December 12th, @ 4:30p.m.: We called NB Humane Society, who said the only lab they had was old and picked up at canyon lake. (Molly is a year and half old and picked by NB High School)
Thursday. December 13th: A friend of ours, as well as my sister, called the Humane Society yet again, though they stated they had not had any female yellow labs with a blue collar turned in. 
Wednesday-Tuesday: Through phone calls, Facebook, Craigslist, and every possible outlet, we continued to search for Molly. 
Wednesday, December 19th, morning: My sister called the NB Humane Society, who stated they had a yellow lab come in on last Wednesday, though she was adopted out Tuesday, December 18th. She asked to bring a picture to see if it was Molly, and they agreed. Upon arriving at the Humane Society, they were adamant that no labs had been adopted. Finally, it was confirmed by a second worker that it was Molly who had been adopted. 
Wednesday, December 19th, afternoon: The NB Humane Society contacted the adopters. The husband stated he understood and would discuss it with his wife, as they had only had the dog 20 hours.
Thursday, December 20th, afternoon: The adopters responded to the NB Humane Society that they were not interested in returning Molly, as they were attached.

Y'all, Molly is family, and we are attached. We want her back home, where she belongs. Molly has a family and doesn't need nor want a new one; I find it difficult to believe that anyone can't understand this, especially around the holidays.

We have have offered to:

  • Repay the $125 adoption fee to the family
  • Pay a $100 reward for their inconvenience
  • Buy a new puppy for the family, or raise one as we raised Molly for them

So, here's what I ask from you. New Braunfels is big, so we need your help. Someone has to be a neighbor, a friend, or a family member to the adopters. If you have any information at all, or have any way to get Molly back home to us, we would be forever grateful and a reward will follow. 
Share the link, and spread the word. 

*A special note if you are the adopters
I know you love Molly as much as we do, so please understand that we want her back home. She has a family with us, and you can't begin to imagine how much we love and miss her.


  1. It's hard to believe that the adoptive family would be so cruel. Come on. Have a heart and give this family back their loved one.

  2. That is very sad. I would have given the dog back to you. It's terrible to hear how some people cannot honor their God given hearts and do the right thing. I hope Molly makes an escape attempt and makes her way back to her real home where she belongs. I wish you all the best.


  3. Adopters, PLEASE do the right thing! If you don't think that Molly is attached to her people, MEET with them with Molly and WATCH her reaction! She is going to be over the moon with happiness! If you can watch that reunion and still feel that she belongs with you..then please look deeply into your hearts and ask yourself..will she adjust (yes, eventually...) but WHY take a dog that has been loved her whole life away from everyone and everything she has ever known? She is loved and she is missed. Please change your minds and give a home to a dog on death row (there are MANY wonderful labs in every shelter that lose their lives daily as they have no home to go to)or adopt from a lab rescue (Heart of Texas Labs is a great group!) Praying Molly gets to go back to her people!

  4. Thank you so much Cynthia, Pete, and Holleyberry! The New Braunfels Humane Society, which they adopted Molly from, actually has 45 more dogs still available for adoption! If they are truly searching to give an innocent dog a home, they should give one a home who doesn't have a home already! We love and miss Molly so much!

  5. This is outrageous. Humane Society is grossly irresponsible and I get angrier and angrier at their growing cruelty and incompetence. These people should return your dog. You had her a year they only had her 20 hours under false pre-tenses. I would go to the police if need be and charge them with receipt of stolen goods, that being Molly who was wrongly given away by Humane Society. I would also name HS in the suit. Those liars need to be held accountable. They do not save animals as they claim, they only cause more heartache.

  6. I think I would threaten to sue! The original family used all due diligence to try and locate the dog after it escaped. The NBHS was NEGLIGENT it its attempts to reunite a found dog with its owners. There is precidence for a lawsuit and the original family stands to win lots and lots of money. I know the money doesn't mean much compared to getting your dog back, but it might be enough to convince the adopting family and the NBHS to return the dog. It's happened before....

    1. Is this real ? I hope you get your dog back and the people who adopted her should give her back. Maybe if you do get her back you could spay her and keep her in a fenced yard. Spaying your pets offers more safety for them and they won't run around having litters of puppies that could suffer.

  7. Molly lives in a fenced yard and we were planning on spaying Molly after her first cycle. he lives in a safe environment and we always want to do what is best for her! We hope to get her back home with us soon.

  8. Did the HS ever apologize for their negligent actions and most importantly for being dishonest?? I do hope Molly goes back home to her family. This makes me sad. Praying for a Happy return!!

  9. I agree that Molly belongs with her family even though they were very neglegent in not having her spayed or having had a micro chip put in so she could be idenified. I can't tell you the number of beautiful family dogs I have picked up that had no collar or tags on, and how frustrated I get because of it!!! Bottom line, the family lucked out this time, she could easily have been hit by a car, but it is THEIR dog and should be given back.

  10. How is possible that law enforcement hasn't stepped in and returned Molly? Aren't there laws that help in such an event?

  11. Elizabeth- we're working with a legal advisor to find out how to get Molly back, but have not yet found a way to involve NBPD.

  12. I'm sorry you are going through this. :( so sad. Unfortunately the facts are that your dog was a year and a half old and still not spayed (she would have already had at least one cycle),, no ID (did she even have a rabies tag at least? ), and got out of an unsecured environment. Instead of calling HS perhaps going there to look would have been better and definitely more accurate for ID than phone calls and photo and different HS employees recollections and shift changes.
    Whether it be 20 hours, 20 days, 20 years I think you’re out of luck here because of the reasons I listed above. Why would the new owners want to send her back to previous owners who were irresponsible? Maybe that's how they are looking at it.
    Any way you look at it losing a pet you love is really hard. I hope in the end it works out best for Molly. :)

  13. Monette- As I said in a few earlier posts, it was her first known cycle. Furthermore, being a lab, we could have easily chosen to breed her. She got her ID tag off the night before my parents left town, we have found it since then, at a very corner of our property. Relating to an unsecured area, we have a large property. Dogs will get out if they want to, and it can happen to anyone. Considering the fact that we were out of state during the majority of this ordeal, it was nearly impossible to go to the HS. Considering the lengths we've gone to in order to get Molly back home, and any one who knows us, it's rather obvious that Molly is well taken care of and deserves to be back home with her family. Thank you for your support!
