Thursday, December 27, 2012

Molly is Home!!

Molly has been reunited with her family!!

We are so so blessed o have Molly back at home with us! We've missed her so much and it was so great to see her and Roxie playing once again. 

Molly is just as playful and lovable as ever!

Per the request of the adoptive family, here is the letter I received along with getting Molly back:

Bad press was not our goal. Getting Molly back was our goal.

We've had almost 11,000 views on the blog in less than two weeks. I feel so blessed that we've had that many supporters in getting her back home. From the beginning, my dad and I have talked about a way to turn this into a plus for not only ourselves but for the Humane Society. They were essential in getting Molly back and the fact of the matter is there are many dogs that do need a home. In the spirit of Molly, don't turn your backs on the Humane Society, but instead help them become the Humane Society we all want and need. Continue to give dogs a home, and know that this type of situation isn't common. Continue your support of the Humane Society, as well. 

Y'all, we have Molly home. 
Help other animals get a new home, as well. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Molly is Still Missing!

Though it's been a few days since my last posting, I wanted to let everyone know that we have not received Molly back. However, we aren't giving up hope!

 Sorry for my absence over the last few days. Molly's sister, our toy poodle Skittles, has been with us for the last 15 years and passed tonight due to a kidney failure.

Time for a few updates:
After being featured on KENS 5, they also replayed Molly's story the next morning.
The Herald-Zeitung showcased Molly's story on Christmas morning.
KHOU 11 news also picked up the story - which I learned about through my aunt!
The HOA in Southbank sent out an email to residents. 

Due to the holidays, we have yet to receive the results from the open records request. We stopped by a few veterinarians offices today to drop off flyers, none of which reported seeing Molly yet. The Humane Society will also open back up tomorrow (FINALLY! It feels like we've been put on hold over the last few days) so we're hoping to go by and get an update with them. 

Continued thoughts, prayers, and watchful eyes are greatly appreciated <3

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Thank you KENS 5!!


We are hoping that the extended media coverage will give us a better chance to get Molly back home with her family. As i said previously, we are essentially at a standstill with N.B.H.S until they open back up and are relying on you to help us find who adopted Molly!

We are so thankful to have been spotlighted on KENS 5 this evening with the OPENING STORY! If you missed it, you can view a semi-professional (a.k.a. filmed off the tv from my cell phone so the only professional part is the fabulous work of Gary Cooper!) video of it here

Be sure to log onto the KENS 5 Facebook to let them know how happy/excited/thankful you were to see Molly's story! Hopefully with enough attention we can get a follow-up story relating to the response of the New Braunfels Humane Society once they open back up.  

In the meantime, keep spreading the word about Molly! 

We're currently working on creating a contest for those of you living in New Braunfels, so be sure to keep an eye out! It will be posted on the blog as well as Missing Molly's Facebook (There's a link over there >>) 
& to those of you outside of the NB area, I still want to say a big thanks! Shoutouts to the family from Wyoming that contacted me, numerous people in San Antonio and Austin, and our 37 views in Canada (!) along with many others. YOUR support is just as important to me!

I feel so incredibly blessed to have so many people joining us on our journey to get Molly back. Have you checked out the Fan Club counter lately? I'm hoping to reach 10,000 views by Christmas! 

Here's to keeping Faith!

Getting Mic'd

Today, KENS 5 came to interview my family about Molly in an effort to help get Molly reunited with her family. It just so happened that today was also the day my aunt, uncle, and cousins were coming over for a Christmas lunch. So, at 12:00, our family, 5 dogs, and a reporter (Thanks Gary Cooper!) piled into our house and jumped right in.

After getting mic'd up for the interview, we sat by the Christmas tree and talked about Molly - her personality, what she means to us, and a message to the adopters. It was nice to know that even though the holiday spirit has been dampened due to the situation, we are still surrounded by support. Also, for those of you who know me personally, I'm pretty great at holding my composure, but am very emotional. I held up pretty perfect until I looked up and saw my sister crying. Oh well.

I'm so happy that we're getting more and more attention to Molly and pray that she is returned home to us quickly! We miss her so much.

As we sit around the table talking about "remember whens", I found some pictures of Molly from when she was a puppy. She has been with us from the very beginning, and we hope she can continue on with us soon.

Molly has grown up to look a lot like mom, Paisley.
As playful as Molly can be, she's always been a cuddle bug. If I'm tanning outside, she'll climb up onto the lounger with me and lay right next to me (or on top of me if she finds it more convenient). When she was little, she found beds to be her place of choice. 
Molly in Cailin's bed
We truly have had Molly as part of our family since day one. Though she was the runt of the litter, she was the first one to open up her eyes. 
Nicki and Molly the first time Molly opened her eyes

TUNE IN!! KENS 5 will air Missing Molly's story tonight at 10pm! 

We're crossing fingers that we will get some tips on who Molly's adopters are! We want her back home!!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Flying Around Town

A huge THANK YOU to everyone in New Braunfels that my sister, mom, and I encountered while putting up flyers today. During a time where I started to question where the spirit of Christmas way laying due to the hurt Molly's adopters have caused us, my spirit was thoroughly renewed.

In numerous places, I began to explain my story, only to be met with the response that they "saw that on facebook!" In one store, as I explained my story to the cashier (who told me to come back tomorrow to ask his manager) a lady rounded the corner asking if I was talking about Molly. She proceeded to offer to take a flyer and put it up where she worked.
*If this was you, I didn't catch your name, but words cannot explain how much your act meant to me!

Molly's posters are placed up all over town. If you see one, let us know where! We want to know where Missing Molly posters are being seen! 

If you have any ideas of where we should post Missing Molly flyers, let us know! Also, if you would like to get the file of any of the flyers, let me know! If you, like the wonderful lady from the gas station, want to post a flyer up where you work, you have no idea how much it would mean to my family. There are an endless number of places that will see an endless number of people. If even one person finds out about Molly that didn't already know, it means we've made an impact and have a greater chance of reaching the adopters! 

I'm also happy to report that the Missing Molly Facebook page is gaining momentum. With almost 150 "likes", we're able to not only keep people updated on the blog, but spread word of what we're doing as it's happening, keep an ongoing conversation with supporters, and get more ideas of how to bring Molly back! If you haven't already, go like away! The more the merrier!

As I have said time and time again, the best way to reach the adopters is spreading the word. We need to find the adopters, whether it be they contact us themselves or a friend/coworker/neighbor informs us of who they are! 

Up until this point, our only line of communication to the adopters has been through the Humane Society. While the girls of the family continued to post flyers, my Dad (and one of our furry friends!) headed up to the Humane Society in an effort to try to get more information on Molly and reach out to the adopters once again. Unfortunately, they were met with a locked gate and sign that read they would be closed from Sat. December 22th through Wed. December 26th, opening back up on Thursday. 

Sign posted outside of New Braunfels Humane Society
This means that unless we figure out who the adopters are through all of you, we have no way of contacting the adopters and getting our Molly back home! We miss her so much and continue to keep faith that all of our connections will come through and return Molly back to her family. 

Now, I know it's normally kids that get games for Christmas, but I'm giving y'all a game of your own... If you see a Missing Molly flyer, log on to Facebook or the blog and let us know where! Checking in on facebook or tagging us in posts will not only continue the fun, but get the word out as well!
hint: if you're a movie person (my family is!) you may find flyers on boxes that are RED!

Where's Sister?

We're hitting the streets as a family today to try to reach out to different audiences and get more news out about Molly! 

Martini and Skittles stare out the car window, hoping to find Molly.

As a whole, we're missing Molly more and more as the holidays get closer. We're hoping to get media attention and eventually find Molly's adopters and get her back home with her family. It's time that Molly is not only reunited with our family, but also with her four legged furry family. 

Just a quick update: We filed an open records request with the city yesterday, but it will take about a week or longer to get just the name of who adopted Molly. For this reason, it's just as important that someone knows who adopted Molly. Please contact us with any information you may have! Thanks!

Join our journey by continuing to spread the word and having a watchful eye for Molly - her sisters will greatly appreciate her return! 

Friday, December 21, 2012

Missing Molly Goes Viral

Some of you may have noticed Molly's Fan Club counter towards the bottom of the page, shown below. 
It monitors the page views to Missing Molly. It truly shows how much of an impact the media can have, so keep it up! We've had Missing Molly up for less that 24 hours and people are definitely taking notice. 

For this reason, Molly's media presence is growing. Missing Molly now has a Facebook page, where we will be posting updates and more links to the blog. Be sure to like the page to show the growing amount of support for bringing Molly back home to her family. 

We will also be posting up flyers around New Braunfels tomorrow! Here's a sneak peak of one of numerous Missing Molly flyers to come!

The more people who hear about Molly, the more likely we will be able to get her back home to her family. Stay tuned <3

Have YOU Seen Molly?

I want to thank everyone for the overwhelming support we have received for getting our Molly back home for the holidays! We're working diligently to find Molly's adopters and get her back home with us.

On Tuesday, December 25th, the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung will come out with the following ad. Be on the lookout!

The adopters may be your neighbor, friend, co-worker, or family member. Please contact us if you have any information regarding who they are and how we can get Molly back home with us!

We have continued to spread the word about Molly and are reaching out to more news and media outlets. The spirit of the holiday season is powerful and we are praying that the adopters will find it within themselves to return Molly back home to us. In the meantime, keep a watchful eye.

As many of us with pets know, we are proud to welcome them into our family. We post pictures on Facebook, send out mass text messages, and walk them on a regular basis. If you see anyone doing these things with a dog that looks like Molly, please contact us! If someone you know welcomed a new furry friend into their family on Tuesday, December 18, bring her back to us if it's Molly!

Thanks Y'all <3 

Molly Defines "Puppy" and Family

At a year and a half old, Molly hasn't grown out of the playful puppy stage. In fact, I'm not sure she ever will. She likes to run and play, roll around in anything she can find, and generally create havoc, and we love her all the more for it. However, this is also the reason that Molly didn't have her tags on her when she got out Monday night. 

As a playful pup, she somehow managed to get the metal tag off of her blue collar a few nights before my parents left town. We noticed that the tag was missing, but never imagined it going this far. Normally, when a family pet gets lost, all we can pray is that they'll be found and be safe. It's hard to wrap ones mind around the idea that Molly has been found, but as a family we're still missing her.

We've had Molly since the day she was born, literally. My brother-in-law, Chad Krause, has Molly's Dad and brother, and is who bred all of the puppies. My cousin has Molly's brother. & a dear friend has yet another of Molly's siblings. Her blood relatives, however, are small in comparison to the bond she's made with Roxie and Martini. Roxie and Martini are Molly's "sisters" and they couldn't be closer. From playing in the pool and wrestling down the hill to chasing tennis balls and running at the speed of light, they are truly inseparable (& Martini is only a 10lb dog - Molly is gentle, too!). Molly even has standing play-dates with a friends dog named Kirby.

As anyone who has ever owned a dog knows, our pets become our family. They are cared and loved for as much as any member of the family. We are willing to do what it takes to get our family back together.

We've watched Molly grown up and have been there all the way. We've even cleaned up her messes, as the picture below shows.
Roxie and Molly after their bath.

We love Molly, and we want her back with our family, her family. All we can hope right now is that our missing then found yet still being missed dog is returned home to us. 

Please keep sharing, and get the word around town! Somehow, someway, this has to reach the adopters. We love and miss Molly more than you know.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Bring My Buddy Back!

We like to play.
We like to chase things with feathers.
We like tennis balls.
We like swimming in the pool.
We like playing fetch.
We like running around.
& We LOVE each other. 

Molly and Roxie playing on the Golf Cart

Please bring my buddy back! I haven't felt near as happy since she left, and have been howling every night hoping she'd find her way home. I can't play without my sister and my best friend, and don't want to eat either. I don't know what to do without her! 

 <3 always, Roxie

We're Missing Molly!

When going away for college, most freshman have a few worries on their mind. Whether it be living on their own for the first time, missing mom's home cooking, or being away from life-long friends, fears are to be expected. When it was time for me to leave, however, my biggest fear was losing my dogs. On the morning I was set to depart to TCU, I broke down in tears and decided I wasn't going, as I refused to leave my pups at home without me. I went, and am happy to report that during my first visit back home I was met with wagging tails, then headed off to complete the year. I finished the semester (with all A's y'all!) and headed back home for the happiest season, only to be met with my biggest fear coming true...

Heres a quick timeline:
Monday, December 10th, evening: Molly ran away from homing, likely chasing anything and everything with feathers or that she could hump, as she was in heat.
Tuesday or Wednesday: Animal Control picked up Molly, and took her to the NB Humane Society
Wednesday, December 12th, @ 4:30p.m.: We called NB Humane Society, who said the only lab they had was old and picked up at canyon lake. (Molly is a year and half old and picked by NB High School)
Thursday. December 13th: A friend of ours, as well as my sister, called the Humane Society yet again, though they stated they had not had any female yellow labs with a blue collar turned in. 
Wednesday-Tuesday: Through phone calls, Facebook, Craigslist, and every possible outlet, we continued to search for Molly. 
Wednesday, December 19th, morning: My sister called the NB Humane Society, who stated they had a yellow lab come in on last Wednesday, though she was adopted out Tuesday, December 18th. She asked to bring a picture to see if it was Molly, and they agreed. Upon arriving at the Humane Society, they were adamant that no labs had been adopted. Finally, it was confirmed by a second worker that it was Molly who had been adopted. 
Wednesday, December 19th, afternoon: The NB Humane Society contacted the adopters. The husband stated he understood and would discuss it with his wife, as they had only had the dog 20 hours.
Thursday, December 20th, afternoon: The adopters responded to the NB Humane Society that they were not interested in returning Molly, as they were attached.

Y'all, Molly is family, and we are attached. We want her back home, where she belongs. Molly has a family and doesn't need nor want a new one; I find it difficult to believe that anyone can't understand this, especially around the holidays.

We have have offered to:

  • Repay the $125 adoption fee to the family
  • Pay a $100 reward for their inconvenience
  • Buy a new puppy for the family, or raise one as we raised Molly for them

So, here's what I ask from you. New Braunfels is big, so we need your help. Someone has to be a neighbor, a friend, or a family member to the adopters. If you have any information at all, or have any way to get Molly back home to us, we would be forever grateful and a reward will follow. 
Share the link, and spread the word. 

*A special note if you are the adopters
I know you love Molly as much as we do, so please understand that we want her back home. She has a family with us, and you can't begin to imagine how much we love and miss her.